FOUR houses were evacuated early today after a mill fire left a 20-foot high wall dangerously unstable.

Fire crews were called to the smoke-logged Slater's wood mill, in Emerald Street, Brownhill, just after 3.30am and were still there at 8am.

Police and fire officials are investigating the cause but said it was thought to be suspicious.

Emergency crews evacuated residents from homes in Cornelian Street, which back onto the site, and sealed off Emerald Street until 7am.

Sub-officer Alan Burgess said: "There was severe damage at the rear of the building and the fire did break through the roof and wall.

"Houses were evacuated but residents have now all been let back but told not to enter their back gardens.

"Investigations will continue throughout today to determine the cause of the blaze.

"The building is severely damaged and will probably have to be pulled down."

Fire crews a sniffer dog was likely to be drafted in to help investigations.

Leading firefighter David Hilliard said: "The fire was very intense and we had a lot of obstacles to overcome inside the building. The blaze was not helped by all the flammable thinners in the spray booth and we also had problems with the electrics.

"Getting access to the fire was also difficult because the premises were well secured. The blaze was out in about an hour but we had to make the building secure and that did take some time."