A SHOT was aimed at a firefighter's head while he was tackling a bonfire.

The pellet, fired by a teenager from a BB gun, hit the helmet of station officer Tony Ashworth and he was uninjured.

But firefighters today slammed the boy, aged between 12 and 15, who was responsible.

BB guns are widely available and can range from being able to fire plastic pellets to gas cylinder-powered ball bearings. Leading firefighter Dave Hilliard said they were tackling the fire in Brookway, off Livesey Branch Road, Blackburn, at around 9pm yesterday.

He added: "There were a lot of children about and among the commotion we heard one or two 'pings'.

"Then the officer in charge heard something hit his helmet. Then we saw a lad reloading a gun. We couldn't believe it.

"At that point we had no idea it was a BB gun.

"We do not get any training for being shot at, so we didn't know what to do."

Leading firefighter Hilliard decided to get a camera from the engine to catch the boy on film.

He added: "I sneaked around the back of where they were and took a picture of him.

"He was a bit shocked and the rest of them realised what was going on and scarpered. Then the lad realised what was happening and started crying.

"We followed as they ran off and the lad dropped the gun."

Inspector Stuart Bruce, of Blackburn police, said officers were due to interview the firefighter and try and trace the boy today.

The large bonfire was near to derelict flats, but firefighters managed to contain it.