MARRIAGE counsellors today warned East Lancashire couples against getting in debt to pay for their dream wedding.

Research, done by Sainsbury's Bank, found that couples getting married this year will borrow a total of £542million -- and 5,000 of them will re-mortgage their homes to pay for their big day.

Nearly four in ten people who tied the knot in the last five years had to borrow money for the occasion, which will take them over two years to pay off.

Vicky Cuthbertson, manager of Relate Lancashire, thinks the research is extremely worrying.

She said: "I would urge couples to look at their expectations and question whether a huge, expensive wedding is necessary. Entering into married life with a debt hanging over your heads is not the best start for any couple.

"It really is a case of cutting your cloth according to your purse."

Only 58 per cent of couples actually saved up to cover the cost of the wedding - which costs on average a staggering £16,000.

Lilian Banks, a relationship counsellor in Blackburn, has helped many couples whose marriage is suffering as a result of debt.

She said: "A lot of people come to me with marriage problems involving debt.

"I think there is a big problem with weddings theses days as spending all this money on the right dress, flowers, cars and so on has absolutely nothing to do with a successful marriage.

"After a huge build up heading towards the big day, couples come back from honeymoon feeling completely flat and have a huge debt to pay off.

"The strain of financial worry can sometimes cause a couple to split up."

In some cases the parents of the bride take out loans to pay for the wedding, which may put added pressure on the newly weds.

Relate Lancashire publish a booklet called 'How to be happily married for ever' and can be contacted on 01772 717597.