ALTHOUGH I now live in Essex I always take a keen interest in events happening in my home town of Blackburn.

It is therefore with great sadness I read the article headlined 'Tory gives Barbara the boot' (LET, June 25).

Councillor Rigby should be reminded of the many good deeds Barbara did in the proud name of Blackburn. The architect of the equal pay act, millions of women have benefited from Barbara's work here.

The 1967 Road Safety Act, an article by the Institute of Alcohol Studies printed on October 9, 1997 shows that the number of road deaths fell from 7,985 in 1966 to 3,598 in 1996, at the time of the article they attributed Barbara's policy with saving over 62,000 lives.

I had the privilege of sharing a fish and chip supper with Barbara Castle in the late 1980's.

In that short time together she held my imagination with her wit, sharp intelligence, compassion for others and her spirit.

I wonder how many of those attributes can be even shared by Mr Rigby and Mr Harrison.

Time alone will sort this mess out.

In the meanwhile could all those with a hand in this dreadful affront to a fantastic ambassador for the town of Blackburn please hang their heads in shame.

FRED GREGORY, Clacton-on-Sea, Essex.