SPORTS and community groups who use the playing fields next to Gannow Baths have been assured they will not lose the facilities if the pool is sold off.

Burnley Council, which owns the building and neighbouring land, is in discussions with an organisation which wants the site of the loss-making Victorian baths for community use.

A possible sell-off to the group, which has not been named, was agreed by the council's executive on Tuesday.

But council top brass have moved to allay fears that if the sale goes ahead the land would not be available for community use.

Council leader Stuart Caddy said: "There are quite a few events held on the field and we will make sure they are part and parcel of any discussions we have before any deal is struck.

"I understand the deep concerns that people have about the closure of Gannow Pool. For many years we have suffered a resourcing problem with the baths and while it has been well supported by the swimming club, the public have not been visiting in enough numbers to sustain the costs of maintaining the building.

"While the decision to close has been taken, we are excited about a proposal by a community organisation to take over the main building and outbuilding for community use. This would mean its continued use rather than see the building empty."

The decision to close the 104-year-old pool was taken by the council earlier this year following a major review of the demand for leisure facilities, condition surveys of the council's sports centres and public consultation.

Residents across the borough were given the choice of four options and a large majority supported the option that would see a replacement for the Thompson Centre, Padiham Leisure Centre upgraded and Gannow Pool closed. Protesters, however, have launched a campaign to keep the baths at Gannow open. A protest against the closure was held outside the baths a week ago and a petition has been handed in to the council.

Proposals are in the pipeline to build a combined health and leisure centre on the current St Peter's multi-storey car park in the centre of Burnley -- a move that would get rid of an eyesore car park and replace it with an easily accessible and innovative centre. The council will be consulting on the designs for the new facility during July and August with construction on the new facility starting in January.