TREVOR Barton, chairman of the Leigh Sports Development Partnership, was sunning himself on holiday in France when the good news came through that the Government had given the nod to Leigh Sports Village to be built.

"This is the best thing to happen in this town for many, many years. It's absolutely marvellous news," he said. "I can't wait to get back off holiday and get stuck into the project."

He added: "The real work starts now. It's going to be a massive task pulling all the elements of the scheme together; the sale of the Leigh East ground at Grasmere Street, the sale of Leigh Harriers at Holden Road - it's a huge jig-saw.

"But I know that all the parties want this to happen and will work hard to make sure it does. It's a huge challenge but I know that we can make it work for the benefit of everybody in the town and surrounding area.

"My job will be to talk to all the interested parties and try to make things go smoothly. What we need people to do now is sit down and think about what they want included in the final plans.

"At the moment they are only lines on a drawing. Once they become set in concrete it will be too late to change. Now is the time for people to tell us what they want."

Mr Barton expects it will take several months for the final planning application to be drawn up.

A delighted Leigh MP Andy Burnham said: "This is the news we've been hoping and praying for. We've taken many kicks in the teeth down the years but this a great day for the town to celebrate. The Government has delivered for us.

"We now have the green light to go on and build a better future for the town and our young people. The Sports Village will put pride and self-confidence back into Leigh.

"Thousands of Leigh people have got behind our campaign and worked so hard for this day. I can't thank them enough for their support and am just pleased that their voice has been heard at the end of the day. Wigan Council in particular deserve great credit for the skilful and steadfast way in which they have taken forward these plans.

"There is now no obstacle to the Sports Village."

"It's up to us to finalise the plans and make them work. With the funding we have already secured, I hope that we'll see a start on site before too long."

And Wigan Council Leader Lord Smith of Leigh can't wait for work to start : "I am absolutely delighted that the Leigh Sports Village will now go ahead.

"Now we just need to work through the details.

"I just want to pay tribute to all the hard work of a number of people, officers, members of Leigh Sports Development Partnership and chairman Trevor Barton, and developers Greenbank.

"We've all worked hard as a team.

"They're talking about a start early next year and hopefully we be seeing the Centurions play their first game of Super League in 2006."

Wigan Council cabinet member and Leigh South Councillor Kevin Anderson welcomed the news: "It's a major step forward -- it has been a long time coming after the disappointment of Xanadu but something that will be well worth waiting for. The decision is an excellent example of the Labour Council and the Government working together."