There are usually exceptions to the general rule and the main one was provided by Mark Ashworth who returned a second round 69 added to his first 18 gross 75 to clinch the club championship.

Carl Drinkwater kept his nerve to post a 71 in the afternoon which resulted in a 146 total for second place. Jon Dugdale took third place just two shots behind. Young Andrew Bennie led the field after 18 holes and Miles Wade produced a gritty 74 for the best second round gross.

Past chairman of the seniors section David Hardie became senior club champion with a narrow one shot score over Harry Richardson and Derrick Eglin shot a nett 70 to take the Rosebowl. Wayne Townley and the canny Scot Jim Cameron disputed second place but Wayne got the nod after a card play-off.

Retired fire officer Alan Clarke suffered from replacement hip problems in recent months, but he showed his resilience when helping playing partner Geoff Cartledge to 45 points in the fourball stableford event.

Mike Thompson and Peter Chanter took second prize, just one shot off the pace and they in turn relegated Scott Milne and Eddie White into third place.

The Captain's Day for Juniors, again illustrated what a fine golfer Andrew Bennie is becoming. Nett 72 off his four handicap was equal to standard scratch for the day. However, Jordon Cook took the top spot with a four shot advantage to push Andrew into second. Messrs Sumner, Foley and Ashworth took the minor prizes.