ASTLEY & Tyldesley Cycle Speedway took on Heckmondwike in a Northern Cycle Speedway League encounter at Gin Pit on Sunday.

The visitors are really struggling at the moment, and arrived short- handed, borrowing three A & T second teamers to make up their team. Consequently, the result was never in doubt as A & T raced to their biggest win of the season. Tomasz Wlodarczyk and Przemek Binkowski both raced unbeaten, with Binkowski recording the fastest time of the season when winning heat 3.

A & T welcomed back Damien Hack for his first match in 18 months, and he was unbeaten in his three races from reserve. Darren Kent and James Carter both battled gamely for the Saints, and stopped the maximum hopes of the other A & T riders, with Carter their only race winner when taking heat 11.

Dylan Radcliffe raced in the British U10s Individual Championships at Sandwell on Saturday. He qualified for the final, where he scored 14 points and finished in seventh place. Matt Beharrell of Hull won the title.

Astley & Tyldesley are continuing to hold weekly training sessions for all interested riders. The sessions take place every Tuesday, starting at 7 pm, at the Astley & Tyldesley Miners' Welfare Club, Meanley Road, Gin Pit, Astley.