A DARWEN man has come up with a new way of stopping of noisy traffic keeping him awake - by making his own road sign.

Craig McAdam, 33, of Blackburn Road, said he has put up with constant banging outside his house since Blackburn with Darwen Council re-surfaced the road, near to St Edward's Primary School.

He said that traffic - particularly heavy wagons and lorries - were driving over manholes which had sunk into the road after it was resurfaced, causing a racket each time their wheels dropped into the holes.

Mr McAdam was so sick of hearing the noise he decided to create his own road sign, which he intends to put up to try to get motorists to avoid the dips. He said: "I've just about had enough now. Every single manhole round here seems to be sinking and the noise it's creating is horrendous.

"I've been in touch with the council on several occasions and they've been out from the highways department three or four times. They keep saying it will be fixed but the road was re-surfaced around Christmas time and nothing has been done yet.

"I got so fed up of the constant banging at all times of the day, I made a sign myself. It is like the official signs with a blue background and white arrow and I'm hoping it will get people to go round the manholes. Before the road was surfaced there was no problem.

"The worst manhole from my point of view has now been fixed by BT but I've asked the council if they can fix the others, one of which is quite a deep hole, but so far nothing has been done."

He added: "It is worse in rush hour but if any vehicle comes past my house it automatically goes over the top of the manholes. It's ridiculous."

Adam Scott, the council's director of regeneration, housing and neighbourhoods said: "We have been in contact with BT about a man hole cover they are responsible for and they are due to replace it this week. The contractors that carried out the work are also due to return in the next week or so to make any necessary improvements."