A LONG-STANDING Tory councillor in Rossendale who feared he would be booted out for voting against his own group will keep his place in the Conservative Party, it was revealed today.

Coun Jimmy Eaton has defended his decision to vote against his own party, who took control of Rossendale Council in this year's local elections, in support of Labour councillor Michael McShea to become the Deputy Mayor of Rossendale.

Coun Eaton spoke in favour of Stacksteads ward councillor McShea who was promised the prestigious civic role in March.

But when the Tories gained control they decided to propose their own candidate, Jeff Cheetham, who won the vote on Friday.

Michael's son, Sean, a teacher in Kuwait, had even flown back from the Middle East for the summer holidays to celebrate his father taking on the civic duty.

Coun Eaton described his move to support Coun McShea as a "very difficult decision" but added: "I may not be the flavour of the month but I have been knocked down before and I am sure I will rise again.

"The deputy mayor should be decided on length of service and for no other reason. The decision should be made not on whether you are Labour or Conservative but solely because Coun McShea has served 12 years and Coun Cheetham has served 10."