A TEENAGER has been banned from going near girls under 16 after being made the subject of a sex offender order.

Daniel Edmunds, 18, of no fixed address, was given the five-year order after Hyndburn magistrates heard how he had 'inappropriate' sexual feelings towards pre-pubescent girls.

Edmunds, who until recently lived in Blackburn, had previously been made the subject of an interim sex offenders' order in October last year, after his behaviour was noted by the police.

The teenager had been placed on the sex offenders' register for two years after being convicted of indecently assaulting a girl under 14 years old in 2000, and officers who searched his home last year found items of children's clothing, the court was told.

Sue Mclane, prosecuting, told the court how a risk assessment carried out on the 18-year-old concluded he did not understand how to carry out a normal relationship, and he needed protection from himself.

The court heard how police in Blackburn were alerted after teenage girls at the college he attended reported his 'stalking' behaviour.

The order now prevents Edmunds from acting in a way that could cause others harassment, distress, or personal or sexual harm; associating with females under 16 without a responsible adult present; moving house without informing the police, who must approve the address change; and from leaving England or Wales without permission from the police.

He could be jailed for breaching the order.

Mrs Mclane said: "The police would like a ten-year order which would take Daniel up to the age of 28. For an 18-year-old this seems a lot of time but he needs a lot of work to learn what normal is and what society expects of him."

Edmunds was remanded in custody until July 6 for allegedly breaching the interim sex offenders order. An application for bail was refused by magistrates.