THE mother of a tragic teenager who died after falling from a cliff revealed he had been preparing for a secret birthday bash.

Asif Bharucha, who would have turned 18 today, was so excited he had organised a party for his friends and bought invitations to send out when he returned from a trip to Cornwall.

But the visit ended in disaster when he plunged to his death from Lizard Point after apparently being startled by a dog.

Hundreds of mourners, including pals from Blackburn's Allsports store where he worked, attended an emotional funeral service two weeks ago.

Now the business student's birthday will instead be marked by a meeting between family and the teachers who witnessed the tragedy.

His mother Nayma, 38, of Shear Brow, said: "He was really looking forward to his birthday. He had bought his invitations but wanted to make it a surprise for all his friends. He was just trying to get organised, planning to write them when he got home.

"But now we are just left wondering what happened. The house is so quiet without him. We are all still very much in shock and worried. I still keep thinking he is going to come home, that he has just got lost.

"The staff who were on the trip are visiting us to try and explain what might have happened. We still don't understand."

Asif suffered serious head injuries and was pronounced dead on arrival at a hospital in Truro. A joint investigation into the Blackburn College trip by the Health and Safety Executive and Devon and Cornwall Police was continuing.

A police spokesperson said: "A dog owner did come forward who had been in the area but they did not witness the accident."

An inquest was opened and adjourned by coroner Dr Elizabeth Carlyon on June 16.

His father Altaf, 42, said: "I am planning to contact the police next week to talk in more depth about the investigation as we are starting to feel like we don't know where things are up to."

Asif had a sister, Nazneen, 10, and eight-year-old brother, Ibrahim. Students have organise a college tribute next week.