with the Rev Kevin Logan, Christ Church, Accrington. . .

I'VE been putting the shine on my death this week.

I'd have passed on the subject given the option, but it tends to go with the job and my own personal demise does occasionally meander around the recesses of my mind. Thus, it's good to look on the bright side of death.

A touch macabre and somewhat unsuited to Saturday consumption, but consider...

First, I'm now a paid-up candidate in waiting having just settled the last instalment of my pre-paid despatching. Marvellous what you can get on the never-never these days.

Secondly, as a novice on this trip, I've done the pre-travel bit -- chatted with those experienced in it, got tips on what to pack. You know, the usual stuff.

Re the last bit, seems no luggage is required. Come as you are, is the invitation. The first bit's where some go wrong, apparently.

"Well, comes the shrug, no one ever came back to tell us what it's like, did they?"

Except, of course, Jesus!

Before we humans killed him, he announced he was going ahead to prepare a five-star mansion.

Later, after his death for us, he returned many times to tell us that the accommodation was awaiting all who wanted to follow him.

Thirdly, there's room for all good news for couples like Linda and me. When one takes the trip, the other can anticipate the grand reunion at Christ's place.

Which brings us to the greatest news. The best is yet to come. It's going to be heaven!