THE Pendle Partnership Roadshow will be rolling up at events across the borough during the summer.

Members of the Partnership, made up of representatives from public, private, voluntary, and community organisations in the borough, will be talking to local people and handing out leaflets at events including Brierfield Fun Day later this month and Salterforth Fun Day, in August, to help raise its profile.

Sam Plum, the Partnership's principal policy and partnership officer, said: "We wanted to raise the profile of the work we have been doing. Attending these community events is a great way to meet lots of local people and tell them what has been achieved so far, as well as asking people what priorities they want Pendle Partnership to concentrate on.

"We have already produced Pendle's Community Strategy -- 'A Place with a Future for Everyone' and have developed a Community Cohesion Action Plan to improve community cohesion in the area and break down cultural barriers."

Pendle Partnership chairman Dennis Mendoros said: "We have some difficult challenges to face in Pendle over the next few years and we must play our part in helping the area to make the most of the resources we have."