A SIX-YEAR-OLD boy has drowned while playing in the bath - and today his devastated mother told how she had lost 'the light of her life'.

Nathan John Butler, who suffered with severe disabilities, was discovered by his mum Gill Sibson on Tuesday night.

He had been playing in the bath, at his home in Wentcliffe Drive, Earby, at around 8pm, while Gill was out on the landing.

It is believed that he rolled over before being found shortly after with his head underneath the water.

Nathan was taken to Burnley General Hospital by paramedics but despite several attempts to resuscitate him, he was pronounced dead at the hospital.

An initial routine police investigation was carried out which concluded there was nothing suspicious about the death.

Gill, 39, who works at a Briercliffe barber shop, said: "We just can't understand what happened.

"For some reason he rolled over so he was on his side, which he has never done before. I was at the top of the stairs so I wasn't far away before I found him.

"His brother Connor, who is just 10, phoned 999. He was extremely brave and incredibly calm under the circumstances.

"Attempts to resuscitate Nathan were made at the hospital but it was too late."

She added: "He loved having baths. It was the only place he could be free to move about as he couldn't walk. Going in the bath gave him one of his few pleasures in life.

"He also loved going swimming with school, he felt free and was able to move about when he was in the water."

Gill, who is married to Ian, 37, lost Nathan's twin brother, Kieran, who died when he was just 19 days old.

They were born prematurely at 27 weeks, and Nathan spend the first four months of his life being cared for at Burnley General Hospital's Baby Care Unit.

At eight months old, he contracted meningitis which left him with brain damage and severely disabled. But despite his disabilities his mum said Nathan brought joy to the lives of all who knew him.

She said: "He had an infectious laugh and was extremely cheeky and mischievous. He loved going to watch his brothers playing football.

"He was known for being at the sidelines shouting away. He went to his dad's on a Saturday and usually went to watch football.

"He will be sadly missed, not only by his family but by everybody who knew him."

Nathan's ashes will be scattered alongside his brother's memorial stone at St Bede's Church in Nelson.

Gill added: "Nathan and Kieran will be at peace together."

The family will hold a memorial service at the church which is expected to take place next Friday.

Nathan, who went to Rainbow's nursery in Barrowford before spending two years at Townhouse School in Nelson, leaves his dad Chris Butler and step-mum Gail, who live in Burnley, his step-sisters Sam and Claire, his step-brother Thomas and his brothers Connor, Liam and Finlay.

A post-mortem examination was due to be carried out yesterday at Pendlebury Children's Hospital in Manchester.