A 23-YEAR-OLD man who attacked another man with a chair leg narrowly avoided a jail sentence.

Aaron Lilley hit his victim after an argument broke out between the men while at Lilley's flat in Westleigh Lane, Leigh.

Youths would come to his home to drink and play video games and he was unhappy about their behaviour but lacked assertiveness to do anything about it, said Miss Hilary Manley, defending.

On November 9 they were again there and the victim, Michael Barker, was drunk and lurching around and when a dispute began over a spilled cup of tea they squared up to each other and Lilley, who was not drunk, hit him with a chair leg.

Victim Michael Barker lost some teeth as a result and had cuts to his head, said Miss Alison Heyworth, prosecuting. Lilley, now of Dorning Street, Tyldesley, admitted wounding.

Judge Gerald Clifton accepted the defence submission that Lilley, who has no previous convictions, would benefit from a community rehabilitation order. He placed him on probation for two years on condition he attends the 'Think First' programme.

He said that Lilley had squandered his once-promising future. "In my view you only have yourself to blame if you fail in life."

He added, "The victim might have his faults but he did not deserve what happened," and he ordered Lilley to pay him £200 compensation.

A 23-YEAR-OLD man who attacked another man with a chair leg narrowly avoided a jail sentence.

Aaron Lilley hit his victim after an argument broke out between the men while at Lilley's flat in Westleigh Lane, Leigh.

Youths would come to his home to drink and play video games and he was unhappy about their behaviour but lacked assertiveness to do anything about it, said Miss Hilary Manley, defending.

On November 9 they were again there and the victim, Michael Barker, was drunk and lurching around. When a dispute began over a spilled cup of tea they squared up to each other and Lilley, who was not drunk, hit him with a chair leg.

Victim Michael Barker lost some teeth as a result and had cuts to his head, said Miss Alison Heyworth, prosecuting. Lilley, now of Dorning Street, Tyldesley, admitted wounding.

Judge Gerald Clifton accepted the defence submission that Lilley, who has no previous convictions, would benefit from a community rehabilitation order. He placed him on probation for two years on condition he attends the 'Think First' programme.