BURNLEY residents will have the chance to quiz local county councillors at a special roadshow event later this week.

The event is being held as part of the Wakes Fun Fair, at Fulledge Recreation Ground, on Thursday, July 8, and Friday, July 9.

Lancashire County Council's mobile information unit will be at the fair from 1pm-6pm giving residents a chance to find out more about county council services and discuss the issues that affect them.

County Councillor Terry Burns, champion for young people into work and training, said: "When we last visited Burnley, we found it very useful to listen to local views and we're excited about the prospect of returning.

"Some of the services provided by Lancashire County Council such as schools, social services and highways are very well known.

"Others such as welfare advice and food safety are less well known but no less important. This event is a useful way to find out more about services that affect you."

The Wakes Fun Fair takes place from July 5 to 10 at Fulledge Recreation Ground, Burnley.