AN END of an era was marked when Burnley's Gannow Pool opened its doors to swimmers for the last time on Saturday.

The day was tinged with sadness as employees and customers joined in a closing party at the Sycamore Avenue pool.

Dozens of people gathered to reminisce about the good times, with many taking to the pool for a final swim before staff ventured out for a night on the town.

Alan Garner, who has managed the pool for 32 years, said he decided to take early retirement when the news of the closure was first announced.

Alan, who has two sons, said: "It's a sad time for everyone who has been involved with the pool. There have been many good times.

"It's the end of an era but, although it's sad we understand that the council had a difficult decision to make and that Burnley is going to get some wonderful new facilities.

"All the staff here will be employed at either Padiham Pool or the Thompson Centre."

The loss-making Victorian baths could now be sold for community use and Burnley Council, which owns the building and neighbouring lane, is in talks with a potential buyer, who has not yet been identified. A possible sell-off to the group will be discussed by the council's executive tomorrow.

Julie Redfern, of Padiham, said her three children - Rachel, eight; Helen, six, and Richard, three - all learnt to swim at Gannow. She added: "They are all very sad to see it closing as they used to come here regularly.

"They can't understand why it has to close but we all have to accept that the decision has been made and there's nothing we can do about it."

The decision to close the 104-year-old pool was taken earlier this year after a major review of leisure facilities, condition surveys of council sports centres and public consultation.