BUSY Miles Parkinson became Hyndburn's youngest ever mayor - and colleagues said it was a miracle he had time!

Coun Parkinson has taken on the mayoral duties but already combines full-time work in a warehouse with being a retained firefighter, husband, father-of-two, grandfather and Altham councillor.

Coun David Myles, who proposed the election of Coun Parkinson, 37, said: "It is a real honour to propose Miles Parkinson.

"God knows how he does it all and how he will fit it in. He will be the youngest mayor for Hyndburn and possibly one of the youngest in the country."

Coun Parkinson, whose wife Bernadette was also made mayoress during the traditional ceremony at Accrington Town Hall on Saturday, revealed the mayor's three charities would be Diabetes UK, the NSPCC and the East Lancashire Hospice.

He added: "I feel very honoured to become mayor."

And fellow councillors took time to pull the new mayor's leg - about his love of a good tan!

Coun Myles joked: "I am very concerned about the amount of time he has to go on the sun bed now.

"I think the council can stretch to a couple of visits to sunbeds but there is no way it can afford any more."

Coun Janet Storey, seconding Coun Parkinson's election, added: "He has actually been finding out about spray-on tans - that just shows he is very resourceful and will definitely make a good mayor!"

She added: "He is a placid man and I don't mean that in a negative way. He can diffuse any situation and because of this he is known as 'Mr Switzerland'."

Last year's mayor, Coun Win Frankland was installed as deputy mayor.

Coun Frankland's mayor-making ceremony last year descended into farce when Labour tried to wrestle leadership from the Conservatives, drawing a contrast with the good humour towards Coun Parkinson and her experience.

She said: "Some of the remarks from the whispering gallery still hurt.

"I hope our year will be looked on as a success. We raised £16,500 for charity."

To celebrate the borough's 30th birthday, 10 prominent councillors from the past were also made honorary aldermen.

After the ceremony in the council chamber, there was a parade to St James' Church for a civic celebration service and a meal at the town hall.