TOP environmentalist David Bellamy has been signed up in the campaign to stop two wind turbines being built in Edgworth.

Protesters have also put up "Say No to Turbines" signs on roads through the village and in gardens to rally support.

The application for two 95-metre-high turbines on part of Uglow Farm is due to be discussed by Blackburn with Darwen planning councillors at the end of the month.

Kathryn Rogers, who lives next door to the planned site, said opposition was still growing and she expected a large turnout to a residents' meeting to be held on July 11.

She said: "A group of us went to a conference in Saddleworth last month where various campaign groups against turbines, some who had just been formed and others who had been protesting for years, could swap information.

"While we were there we spoke to David Bellamy and explained about the proposals in Edgworth.

"He has now offered his support to us and is busy writing on our behalf to the council."

Two guest speakers will tell the residents' meeting of their experiences living near to similar turbines in Cumbria, and about their three-year court battle to get them decommissioned because of noise levels.

Mrs Rogers added: "The applicants here have submitted a noise report but the council are still waiting for a landscape assessment report, so I don't think it will be in time for this month's planning meeting.

"Even if the application is allowed, we would be able to go for a judicial review where the decision would be looked at by a judge. This would take even more time.

"If it is refused, the applicant then gets the chance to appeal and that could take another 12 months to go through the court. This could be going on for years.

"We have put up about 40 signs which are about the size of a 'for sale' sign to keep people aware that it is still on-going and to keep the momentum going."