A ONCE-thriving Bury boys club is turning back the clock to stage a grand reunion for former members.

The club, which was attached to the town's Freetown Congregational Church in Kay Street, ran from 1949 to 1964 and catered for hundreds of boys.

In its heyday, the organisation was very popular. The club had its own soccer team, provided games and put on an annual show in the church.

The decision to hold a reunion, scheduled for October 1, coincides with a visit to Bury by former member Terry Dennerly who now lives in Canada. He will be a special guest along with John Nuttall who will be travelling from France for the event.

Mr Roy Woodcock, one of the original boys club leaders, said: "We held a get-together in the early 1990s, but this one will hopefully be much bigger and better.

"I have a list of former members to contact. Most of the original lads will be retired now and live all over the country or even abroad."

No venue as yet has been chosen for the planned reunion.

Any former Freetown Congregational Church boys club member who wishes to attend the event is asked to contact Mr Woodcock on 0161 764 7365.