MICHAEL Hunt missed out on joining his club-mate Andrew Westwell in the final qualifiers of the Open after a disastrous double bogey on the 17th hole of his home course.

The Lancashire man was one over par on the penultimate hole and was on the edge of the green in two, but shanked a chip into the sand then took two shots to escape.

"It was a bad lie on the 17th then I left it in the bunker so that was the end of that," said Hunt after his round.

"It might be my home course but I haven't played much on it this year so it didn't make much difference.

"I had a great start but never really got settled. I played really well in the Wilpshire Trophy on Saturday and felt good coming into this but it wasn't to be."

Hunt wasn't alone in carding a 74, one shot off a play-off place as this was also achieved by Clitheroe's Mark Ashworth, Burnley's Ben Scott and Accrington's Trevor Foster, a previous Open qualifier.

One shot further back were Daniel Nutter of Nelson and Ashley Siddle of Rossendale.

There was a disappointing 79 for Blackburn's Anthony Harwood, who said: "I missed too many fairways and if you miss them here it's so hard to get back on.

"I was looking forward to it and felt confident but it didn't go my way."

Pleasington's Gareth Gillatt also missed out with 82.