BURY rock group Elbow are backing a landmine charity and putting their money where their mouth is.

The five-piece band are donating the proceeds from new single Grace Under Pressure -- to be released on Monday (July 12) -- to MAG (Mines Advisory Group), which removes unexploded bombs from war-torn countries .

Elbow featured a massive logo of MAG on their backdrop at Glastonbury where they recorded the single.

Lead singer Guy Garvey cited the need to remove mines from the ground following "evil war-mongering".

He said: "Somebody needs to clean up . . . MAG do the job in most parts of the world." He told MAG staff at Glastonbury: "It's a great cause. I really believe in it."

Lou McGrath, MAG executive director, said: "Elbow's help means we can further the message of the deadly effects of landmines to a new audience, as well as benefit from this terrific single.

"This band is putting its money where its mouth is, and for MAG this means clearing more mines, saving more lives and building futures. It's invaluable and we're thrilled to have the long-term support of Elbow."

The band has been invited to see MAG's work first-hand in the minefields of Cambodia later this year.

ELBOW are also helping MAG by auctioning off two giant statues used to promote their second album Cast of Thousands.

Called Elle and Bo, the 12-foot high plaster statues have travelled everywhere with the band, and proved so popular that they have their own website!

They are up for sale through the internet auction house ebay -- but the buyer has to transport them from London.