MAYBE there is something to be said, after all, for the Blackburn Orbital Route and the extensive traffic-calming measures that have taken place in the town.

One reads with amazement (LET, July 21) that thieves robbed the Lloyds TSB Bank in Lord Street West and then made their escape - by car - from the town centre by using Darwen Street and presumably the major road intersections at Darwen Bridge.

While their criminal act can in no way be condoned, one is bound to admire the skill and planning which went into the getaway which worked so magnificently for them.

It dealt effectively with the traffic lights, rumble-strips, one-way streets, chicanes, humps in the road, traffic snarl-ups and general chaos to which the average Blackburn motorist is subjected to daily.

It was said by the local politicians and experts, in the early days when the traffic system was being re-organised and holes in the road were appearing at an alarming rate, that once the scheme had been completed and accepted by motorists then delays and difficulties in driving in and around Blackburn would be a thing of the past.

The proof of this is now there for all to see.

Speedy and effective transit through the streets of Blackburn at midday, on a Friday, is perfectly achievable - but first, you must rob a bank!

ALWYN J DAVIS, Preston Old Road, Blackburn.