A FLOURISHING Prestwich-based design and communication specialist has developed a new range of literature to help ensure youngsters get on the right road to a successful career.

Appleby Bowers has worked in collaboration with the Manchester 14 to 19+ Learner Entitlement strategy to produce 15 specific occupation sector brochures and a directory of courses and service providers as well as an eight-page overview.

These have been created to help young people in Manchester to be better informed about career opportunities.

The literature forms a valuable resource that outlines general advice and information on training to help youngsters to successfully enter the world of work.

Bernie Bowers, managing director of the Warwick Street-based firm, explained: "Our design team has a wealth of experience in the education sector and we feel sure the creative work we've produced will play a major role in the success of the 14-19+ initiative.

"Dedicated career pathways provide step-by-step guidance about the many choices available and case studies provide a valuable insight about a specific career sector. The literature is both informative and visually appealing to make finding information about a specific career easy."