CHILDREN have been putting their best foot forward with an innovative pedestrian training programme.

The Right Start child programme gives youngsters practical experience of the traffic environment and helps them become safer while they are out and about.

Gregson Lane Primary School, Brindle, St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Chorley, and Coppull Primary School, Chorley, have taken part in the Lancashire County Council training programme.

Anita Bailey, road safety adviser, said: "Right Start provides children with vital skills to manage the road environment.

"The programme encourages traffic awareness and pedestrian skills that are essential for young road users.

"By increasing awareness of these skills, we can work towards reducing casualties in this age group.

"Working in partnership with primary schools and parents we can enable children to become safer pedestrians."

Last year in Lancashire there were 12 serious injuries and 39 slight injuries in the five-seven-year-old age group in Lancashire.

This compares with one fatal, 18 serious and 46 slight injuries in this age group in the county in 2002.

Lisa Stringfellow, Right Start approved trainer at Coppull Primary School, said: "The roadside training has been very worthwhile in familiarising the children with the road environment.

"I know the children have benefited immensely.

"The support materials have also been excellent in enforcing the road safety messages of the programme."

The programme consists of three stages, each involving a series of activities: Let's Talk', Let's Do and Let's
