TWO policewomen were attacked, threatened and knocked to the floor as they struggled to arrest a violent man, a court was told.

Burnley Magistrates heard how Stuart Brown, 26, ended up being sprayed in the face with CS gas but carried on his behaviour and made off.

He was arrested later, after his family contacted the police and said he wanted to hand himself in.

Brown, of Burnley Road, Padiham, admitted two charges of police assault and one of police obstruction on August 15.

He was bailed until September 20 for an all options open pre-sentence report.

Carl Gaffney, prosecuting, told the court two men had earlier been remanded in custody after an incident at Malvern Avenue, Padiham. One person, spoken to though not charged or remanded, was a relation of the defendant.

Police were called to Malvern Avenue on Sunday. Brown was shouting :"I will have you," and officers tried to calm the situation.

Brown refused to move away and an officer took his wrist and told him he was being arrested.

The defendant was handcuffed, two officers tried to restrain him and he became increasingly agitated and began to struggle.

Mr Gaffney said Brown then lunged at WPC Ruth Easthope, threatened her and caused her to lose her balance.

The officer's colleague tried to use handcuffs and Brown also threatened her and called her a bitch. She dropped the cuffs and fell backwards to the floor.

Brown continued to be violent as the officers carried on trying to restrain him and another officer arrived and sprayed the defendant in the face with CS gas.

The prosecutor said the defendant was still causing trouble, was released and he then made off. He was chased and turned towards the officers and shouted:" Come on then." Brown then escaped down an alleyway.

Mr Gaffney said a short time later, the police were contacted by the defendant's family.

They said he was at an address in Warwick Drive, Padiham, and wanted to give himself up. Officers went to the house, arrested him and he told them:"I will get three months for that."

The court was told one of the officers suffered a graze, a cut finger and a sore left wrist.

She had to have a tetanus injection. The other officer did not receive any visible injuries.