IT'S difficult to imagine what nightmare experiences might have forced the Ruzive family to flee the tyrannical rule of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe.

We have all read about the appalling violence that has taken place in that country.

In about a decade Zimbabwe has been transformed from one of the continent's few beacons of prosperity to a state of lawlessness and dire poverty.

With that backdrop it is not difficult to understand why such a family seeking refuge in Blackburn should feel apprehensive to find themselves living next door to former BNP councillor Robin Evans.

Especially when apparently police called round to see them on their first night and asked them if they realised who their neighbour was.

Even Mr Evans himself says: "I can understand they may feel intimidated."

The chief executive of landlord Twin Valley Homes says they "do not allow staff to make subjective assumptions based on anyone's personal views, political or otherwise."

That's as may be but police thought it necessary to let Mrs Ruzive know who her neighbour was.

Someone at Twin Valley should have had the common sense to give her facts that were likely to have affected the family's decision to take the house.