I AM writing about the story about schools being broken into (LET, August 12). I agree about the crackdown but Inspector Mick Laraway is wrong to describe Newfield School as being for "deprived children." It is for disabled children and children with special needs.

My child attends Newfield School and he is not deprived but he is disabled in a wheelchair.

These children have more feelings and can give more love than some people will ever know.

These teenage yobs should be put into the position that some of these children are in.

Make them sit in a chair for most of the day and ask for help with everything they have to do, and I don't mean just for a day or two.

Also these yobs should meet the children so they can let them know how they feel when their school has been broken into.

They should also be made to do work at the schools they have been found to have broken into and to do some of the dirty jobs. Perhaps they would think twice abut their actions.

Name and address supplied.