A CUSTOMER was injured in a struggle with armed robbers who threatened a barmaid with a machete and a knife in a town centre pub.

Around 20 regulars were drinking in The Ale House on Henrietta Street in Leigh at around 9.20pm on Tuesday when two masked men burst through the doors.

They threatened the barmaid and demanded money then stole a quantity of cash in notes.

Before he fled from the pub one of was involved in a struggle with customers and as a result a man suffered a minor arm wound.

One of the robbers escaped on a motorcycle -- the other ran off.

The taller of the two raiders wore a crash helmet and was about 5ft 9ins tall. His accomplice was white, 5ft 4ins, skinny and spoke with a local accent. He was wearing a short sleeved top, dark trousers and a handkerchief over his face.

Detective Constable Paulo Dale from Leigh CID said: "They burst into the pub during opening hours, threatening the barmaid in front of around 15-20 customers.

"Thankfully she was not injured, but has been left extremely shaken by what happened. One of the customers however sustained an injury to his arm after getting involved in a struggle with one of the offenders.

"Shortly after the robbery police recovered a motorcycle which appeared to have been dumped in the canal. At this stage we do not know whether this was the same motorcycle used by the offenders, but we are appealing to anyone who saw anything suspicious in the area of the canal last night to get in touch."

"We are also appealing to any customers who were in the pub that evening or anyone who has any information about this robbery to contact the CID at Leigh on 0161 856 7252 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111."