A LOUT who spat at two police officers, hitting them both in the mouth, has walked from court a free man.

Thomas Green, 21, had appeared before Burnley Magistrates on Monday and been promised he would not be going to jail - even though offenders guilty of such behaviour can usually expect to face four month sentences if they own up.

Yesterday he kept his freedom after his early hours outburst which left both victims "substantially distressed". One of them, PC Ruth Easthope was so upset after the defendant's saliva landed in her mouth she was later physically sick.

Her colleague John McNamara slammed Green's behaviour as "downright disgraceful" and told in a statement how it had left him shocked and sickened, the court was told. Green was told by the bench chairman he was lucky not to have been sent to custody.

The defendant, of Green Lane, Padiham, admitted using threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour and two charges of police assault on August 14.

He was given 200 hours' community punishment, told to pay £300 compensation and must pay £75 costs.

Bill Maude, prosecuting, told the court police were called to Thompson Street, Padiham, and Green was clearly the worse for drink.

He seemed angry a friend had been arrested earlier. PC Easthope told him his friend was in custody and he should go home.

Green started shouting and swearing, was warned about eight times about his conduct and was then arrested and handcuffed. Mr Maude said Green spat at WPC Easthope and laughed.

The officer had taken the attack on her "particularly badly" and was very distressed.

The prosecutor said Green spat at PC McNamara when he was asked to get out of the police van. He also kicked out, was throwing punches and had to be dragged from the vehicle.

As the cell door was shut behind him at the police station, Green shouted:"When I get out I am going to rip your spleen out."

The defendant had previous convictions for being drunk and disorderly and damage.

Geoff Ireland, defending, said a police officer was "particularly unpleasant" to Green, although it was not the victims. He "lost it" after the handcuffs were placed on him tightly and police would not slacken them.