10 years ago

WONDER-KID Sam Berry passed his A-Level exam in electronics aged 11.

Sam had had to teach himself most of the course and proud parents Neil and Ita of Mellor said they were delighted with their child prodigy.

When he was nine years old, he wrote a computer planning programme, which ran to 17 pages.

25 years ago

VANDALS smashed nearly 1,000 panes of glass in a bout of destruction at Blackburn's Queen's Park allotments.

Damage amounting to more than £1,000 was caused the worst ever attack at the site, which had left the gardeners shocked and dismayed.

The greenhouses down one side of the allotments had every single window pane smashed.

50 years ago

WHALLEY'S Women's Institute had a visit from Evelyn Gillott - a member of the Kohe Kohe institute in New Zealand.

The two institutes had been corresponding for almost 20 years and women members heard a first hand account of life there.

Asked about British summer, Evelyn, of Waiuku, said it seemed to be the equivalent of their winter.