PLANS to open a children's home in an Atherton cul-de-sac have been shelved following a storm of protest from residents.

Residents of Greenhall Close were up in arms when they heard that an application had been submitted to Wigan Council to turn a semi-detached dormer bungalow into a children's home for three or four children with emotional and behavioural difficulties.

Close residents formed an action committee aimed at campaigning against the plans.

But the application -- submitted by a private owner is to be withdrawn -- even before planning chiefs have had the opportunity to consider the proposal.

The children's home applicant, who did not wish to be identified said: "It is being withdrawn because of all the upset."

But she said that they may apply to open the home in another part of Atherton.

Gary Hilton, spokesman for the Greenhall residents opposed to the plans ,said they had been against the home because they felt the house was unsuitable for such use and concerned about extra traffic it would bring.

He added that Greenhall Special School is already located in the Close and that to have a children's home as well on the same street would be too much.