IT'S just over two months since Europe's heads of state and thousands of war veterans gathered in France to mark 60 years since the D-Day invasion of Nazi-occupied Europe.

Now, the Mayor of Wigan, Cllr John Hilton, is hosting a special town hall reception to honour the borough's own D-Day veterans -- and he wants to make sure nobody misses out.

A reception is being held at Wigan Town Hall on Thursday, August 26 at 1pm.

The Mayor's office has been working with local associations to draw up a guest list, but Cllr Hilton is anxious to ensure that nobody who took part in the landings is left out.

Cllr Hilton said: "We've been working closely with the local services associations to make sure that an invitation goes to every person in the borough who took part in that momentous event.

"It is possible, however, that some people who have no affiliation to any of these organisations might slip through the net and we dearly want them with us to commemorate that momentous event.

"If anybody out there thinks they should be at this reception, or knows somebody who should, they can contact my office on 01942 827156 for more information."

About 250,000 people died in the Normandy battles which raged for 80 days after 6th June 1944 -- many of them from the Leigh area.

Cllr Hilton added: "Many people won't be able to make it to the reception.

"Some paid the ultimate price for their bravery all those years ago; others have departed along the way.

"Few words can express our tremendous debt of gratitude to them, so on behalf of everyone in the borough I would simply like to say we

appreciate what you did and we will never forget it."