GEORGE Washington was one of many who were virtually killed by doctors through their ignorant practice of 'blood letting'.

If only they had believed the Bible -- "The life of all flesh is in the blood" Leviticus 17:14 -- they would not have done this.

Today of course we let the life-giving liquid drip into a patient but not drip out!

When Moses was proclaiming God's advanced laws of hygiene, the ancient Egyptians were using old and grim remedies like this one -- "For embedded splinters apply worm's blood and asses dung!"

In complete contrast the Bible book of Leviticus reads like a modern medical manual! Moses writes about quarantine and the incineration of clothing from diseased people, together with precise instructions about washing the bodies and clothing of the sick.

He particularly stresses the importance of washing under running water to ensure thorough cleansing. Leviticus chapters 13-15. Today MRSA has arrived partly because hospital hygiene has slipped below this 4000BC standard!

Leviticus also gives detailed instructions about cleansing contaminated pots. Earthen vessels must be broken or metal containers could be scoured and rinsed. Leviticus 6:28.

Seed for sowing was not contaminated by a dead carcase falling into it but seed being prepared for cooking would be contaminated by contact with a corpse. Leviticus 11:32-38

The Bible has always been ahead of its time even to the provision of a place outside of the camp where human excrement could be buried. Deuteronomy 23:12-13

Sadly, because many today do not read the Bible, they are easily led astray by anti-Christian propaganda designed to destroy faith in the authority and accuracy of Holy Scripture.

Only the Creator who knows all about bacteria could have given these laws. Add them to the moral laws contained in the Ten Commandments and you have the best foundation for a healthy, stable society.

Rev David V Jebson