I AM writing about a matter I feel strongly about.

In last week's Journal in the court story "Fathered a baby with 13-years-old" it was said by a defence solicitor that "it was accepted in his local community that this sort of thing happens".

I can assure you as part of the said community, and with three daughters of my own living in the vicinity, I do not accept this behaviour, and having spoken to all of my neighbours I have not come across one who does.

I am not happy with the lawyer for presuming that people on the Diamond Street estate are all happy with what can only be described as paedophile behaviour.

Who has he spoken to except the family itself?

Obviously the only person who does accept this is the lawyer himself judging by the joke of a sentence he managed to get him.

An apology to our local community would be greatly appreciated.

Disgusted Gems estater