RADCLIFFE Cricket Club may be unable to retain the services of Sri Lankan professional Pasan Wanansinghe for next year.

"It's down to finances, every club is suffering," said club captain Graeme Simpson.

"Nothing is set in stone yet, but there is a possibility we may lose him, which would be a severe loss, he's been unbelievable this season.

"Every club is struggling financially and unlike some we do not have a rich benefactor to pay for our professional.

"I'm sure the club will do everything it can to keep Pasan, because not only is he an excellent player, he's also a good person to have around.

"But times are hard right now trying to get income in. "We've hardly had any Sunday home games, which are usually good days for bar-takings, an important part of any club's revenue.

"Plus the weather and the way the fixtures have been organised have not helped."

Wanansinghe joined the Racecoursemen from near neighbours Unsworth for the 2003 season.