RADCLIFFE AC's annual 6.5 miles Trail Race was enriched last week by the addition of a number of trophies which were donated by Jim Rhodes in memory of his late wife Joan.

She succumbed to cancer and Jim wished to acknowledge the support members of Radcliffe AC have given him during his bereavement.

The winner was Salford Harrier Ken Chapman, a regular in Radcliffe races, and he received a splendid cup from club coach Terry Nortley.

Ken's time of 37 minutes 25 seconds was 2 minutes slower than his winning time last year, reflecting the heavy course, swamp-like in places, that faced the runners after recent heavy rain.

Horwich runner Robert Jackson was second.

The Veterans Cup went to Steve Duckworth, who once turned out and won many races for Radcliffe, running now for Horwich.

A time of 39 minutes for third place overall shows the old stager still has what it takes.

The third cup commemorating Joan Rhodes went to the first lady in the race, Clare Kenny, a veteran in her 40's, from Calder Valley.

Clare finished in 46.48, coping well with the difficult conditions.

Jim also donated smaller trophies for the winning ladies and men's teams, and these both went to Burnden Road Runners.

Their ladies team included the remarkable Tess Harrison, who continues to excel despite having achieved the grand age of 65. She certainly does not look it!

The Aspinall family, from Alma Street in Radcliffe, did well, with young Alison taling second place among the ladies and the prize for first junior, while dad Manny was second over-55.

Another Radcliffe man, Paul Sinnott, was second over 45, and quite a few local folk enjoyed the challenge of getting through the muddy, swampy tracks.

Bill Armstrong, race organiser, said: "The race was enriched by all the trophies Jim put up, and it's nice to know we have been supportive to Jim at such a difficult time for him."