ONCE again the members of the Radcliffe Townswomen's Guild had a fabulous day trip. The day started at Erddig House, then it was on to Chester with the day finishing with an evening meal at the Riverside Restaurant.

Four members of the guild went to Fleetwood to support the north Manchester representatives in the National Crown Green Bowling competition. Tottington, together with Whitefield teams, put up a good show, both qualifying through the first-round. The final winners were Chesterfield, after a rain drenched last match against Preston. More than 200 ladies were there to support the players and friendships were renewed.

Bolton Smithills are holding a presidents' charity evening at Chorley Old Road Methodist Church, Bolton, on September 9, commencing at 7.30pm. Cost of tickets is £3. The evening will consist of entertainment by Deep Harmony Male Voice Choir, with raffle and supper. The charity is the Fire Brigade Benevolent Fund.

There will be a 75th anniversary of the townswomen's guild service of celebration on Wednesday, August 25, in Manchester Cathedral at 2.30pm. Admittance is by programme only.

Diaries for 2005 can be ordered at the next meeting. They will be of the usual high quality with a soft back and cost £3.

The "Count your Blessings" form will be collected at the August meeting.

The guild is entering a table for the Exhibition of Arts, Crafts and Hobbies which will be held at the Friends' Meeting House in Manchester on September 29. The tables can be set up from 1pm and there is a £1 admission charge.

The guild birthday party on September 22 will be at the Bridge Methodist, commencing 7.30pm. Members will be providing a finger buffet and entertainment will be provided by Highly Strung who play Irish, folk and pop. The cost to non-members is £5 and family and friends are invited.

The next meeting of this active and friendly guild is on Wednesday, August 25, commencing at 7.30pm when Mr. R. Hall will share his love of musicals. Guests will be made most welcome.