A BOSS of a wallpaper factory battling for survival after flood damage vowed today: "We'll get through it".

But John Clarke, financial director of Zen Wallcoverings, in Cross Street, Darwen, was unable to rule out job losses as the business tried to get back on its feet. He revealed that damage to stock and machinery was now put at £200,000. The company was not insured for flood damage after two previous floods, but Mr Clarke is confident Zen can cover the costs and continue trading.

He also paid tribute to his "brilliant" 72-strong workforce who have been working around the clock to clean out the water and mud from the Britannia Mill premises since flooding last Thursday.

They still have half the factory to clear, with the operation not expected to be completed for a number of days.

Bosses of the company met council officers yesterday to discuss how to prevent the flooding happening again.

There was heavy rainfall for an hour last Thursday night, but not enough to cause flooding on its own. However, a culvert running down from the moors and under the factory, apparently blocked with timber and rubble, caused it to overflow more quickly. Mr Clarke was told in the meeting that Zen was responsible for maintaining that section of culvert under its factory.

Council workers are to investigate the rest of the culvert this week to find out definitively what the problem is.

Mr Clarke said: "We cannot move premises because we can't sell this one in its present situation.

"The council is being helpful but we will need financial assistance to put this right. We cannot risk it happening again. They are coming up with ideas but it is difficult; one option involves knocking down part of our building.

"What I am concerned about is that rubble and timber is being washed down from further up, so it needs sorting up there as well.

"But we will get through this. The staff have been brilliant. They just came at weekend and asked how they could help. The lads have done a terrific job."