ROVING Ken Lynch keeps his eye out for local news every time he goes on holiday.

One year he sent me a brilliant picture of sand sculpture of a boozing tramp taken in Spain --which reminded him -- and me -- of Leigh Library Square before the alcohol ban was imposed!

This year Ken, of Manchester Road, Astley, spotted a local connection while touring war graves in Belgium.

He visited Ypres to see the last resting place of his uncle Pte A Taylor of the Manchester Regiment and to attend the Last Post ceremony at the Menin Gate. He also took a trip around the Ypres memorial sites which included Passchendaele,

There is a stained glass window, a memorial to the 66th (East Lancashire) Division, made up of the coats of arms of all the towns in Lancashire whose men fought with the division including those of Leigh, Atherton and Wigan.

It seems we are still remembered for the part our brave lads played in action abroad.

My thanks go to Ken for his contribution. If anyone else spotted has spotted Leigh area links while in far off lands let me know.