THE people of Bury should be very angry.

They have provided 85 per cent of the equipment in the special care baby unit at Fairfield General Hospital through generous donations and fundraising in recent years, and now the Strategic Health Authority wants to take it all away and close the unit.

Fairfield Baby Lifeline Society (SONNIC) is fighting to stop this from happening but we need the financial support of the people of more than ever before. A special bank account has been opened called Babies First Campaign at Barclays in Bury (20-16-08, account number 70922315), and we urge anyone who can help our campaign to pay direct into this account, or send a cheque, payable to "Babies First Campaign", to Sharron Entwistle, Box 24, Springvale Mill, Waterside Road, Haslingden, Rossendale BB4 5EZ.

Let's act now before it is too late.



Fairfield Baby Lifeline

Society (SONNIC).