THE antics we revealed earlier this year, in which a group of teenagers filmed themselves carrying out ridiculously dangerous stunts, rightly caused a furore.

They came to the notice of the general public after a boy was left with serious burns when a fire-jumping stunt went wrong.

Police even launched their own investigation into that and another incident in which a boy was pictured with a punctured forehead after being pushed into a bed of nails.

These crazy stunts were clearly inspired by TV's Jackass - a series at the unbelievably irresponsible end of the 'reality TV' spectrum.

Now we hear that the same youngsters are at it again and have reactivated their website - although it is good to note that the mother of one has taken immediate action to remove it from the internet.

TV programmes which spawn such action must not be aired in the first place.

It is heartening to see that Ofcom have taken action by drawing up a draft clause which tells programme makers to avoid anything " likely to encourage violent, dangers or seriously antisocial behaviour."

Now they must ensure this part of their code is introduced and policed with vigour.