ISLAND Lodge has been producing better weights with quality bream showing.

In the junior match for the Horn Trophy, held last Wednesday evening, I. Gough had an excellent net of skimmer bream 8-4-0. In second place, D. Hamer 3-3-0; third A. Hill 1-10-0; fourth J. Riddett 0-10-0, and fifth M. Houghton 0-6-12.

In the Thursday evening Target match, held on the Island Lodge, R. Gough took first place with 4.220kg skimmers; D. Shaw second place with 3800kg roach; C. Hogan in third with 2650kg, and J. Fletcher in fourth with 2420kg.

Island Lodge was also the venue for the August Cup on Sunday. Top weight fell to S. Mellor 11-10-0; J. Kerwin 10-6-0; D. Jowett jnr 9-15-0; R. Gough 9-6-0.

J. Fletcher and P. White travelled to Yorkshire to fish the Yorkshire Navigation on Sunday. P. White won the match with 11-14-0.

The Pilsworth Fisheries' Opens, held in the evenings, will soon come to an end with the final match this week. D. Shaw (Drennan NW) took 24-9-0 for first place; D. Jowett jnr 17-3-0, and R. Buckley 15-0-0.

On Saturday, 51 teams fished the Third Division National on the Stainforth and Keadby canal at Thorne, Yorkshire.

Top teams: Thorne DAA with 556 points; Dick Clegg Barnsley, 470; Group 35 Shuttlers, 436.

Top individuals: G. West (Sensas Team Image) 8.260kg; M. Halstead (Bracknell Herons) 7.750; M. Silman (Barsey Blacks) 6.570.


THE H. Glover (Pairs) match takes place on Cliffe reservoir on Sunday, August 22, draw 8.15am, fishing 9am to 2pm.




LAST weekend's trip to Plymouth took place aboard Tiburon. On the first day, the party steamed out 49 miles to fish the wrecks (a three-and-a-half hour journey each way).

Baiting with jelly worms and shads, not much was caught apart from dogfish, pollack to 16lb, cod 17lb, and two quality cod lost.

On the second day, the party opted for reef fishing, taking loads of mackerel.

Fishing the bars at Eddystone lighthouse, no takes.

Fishing further small wrecks, whiting to 3lb, several further reefs, pollack to 3lb, couple ling to 10lb, cuckoo wrasse, ballam wrasse, pool quality cod and ponting.

The trip on Sunday aboard Lady Gwen II accounted for 60-80 pollack, biggest 10lb, couple codling, gurnard and 60 mackerel.


IN last week's notes I reported that the small lodge next to Buckhurst school had burst its banks.

The owner informs me this is not so. The banking is still intact, but the volume of water coming down the valley swamped his fishing cabin and the water overflowed the banking wall. I apologise for the error.


THE final match in the Thursday evening Target series takes place on the Island lodge (target 11lb). To qualify for the prize pay-out, participants must have fished four matches of the series. Draw time 5.30pm.

The next club match takes place on Fontridge reservoir at Colne on Sunday, August 29. Names are being taken at Fisherman's Way, peg fee £4.50, members will have preference.


IT is proposed to hold a Junior Open Match on Parker's later in September. Entry fee will be £1. We have received generous sponsorship towards prizes. Entry lists will be placed in local tackle shops as soon as everything is finalised.

STOP PRESS: Another Junior Match will be held at Island Lodge on Wednesday, August 25.

Draw 5.30pm, fishing from 6pm to dusk.