REGARDING the debate going on at present about another political statue in addition to Barbara Castle.

Political statues are redolent of nepotism and are erected to many second and third class subjects.

If I were forced to pick a Labour subject it would have to be Sir George Eddy, one of the finest men I ever met.

And yet, if I could choose anyone, I would choose someone different. Walk around Haworth, Stratford-upon-Avon or Dumfries and take note of all the different languages that you hear.

What we need is a person world famous, considered the best of their time and some could say of all time.

Fortunately such a person exists. Who? Think of Gluck's Orfeo, The Dream of Gerontius, still not got it? Then what about that beautiful song "Blow the Wind Southerly," sung unaccompanied by the great Kathleen Ferrier!

I am aware that she was not born in Blackburn but she spent most of her formative years in this town. In my book that makes her a true Blackburn lass.

So now you Blackburn with Darwen Councillors, erect a statue of Kathleen Ferrier, make it a good one and site it in a prominent place.

In closing, I wish to paraphrase JFK, "Think not of what you can do for Kathleen Ferrier, think of what Kathleen Ferrier can do for you."

Ex-Councillor (name and address supplied).