HAWKSHAW'S annual gala is to make a comeback after an absence of two years.

A new village committee has been set up to revive the popular gala, which for the past couple of years has had to be cancelled because of a lack of help from the villagers.

This year, younger members of the community came forward to establish a new committee responsible for organising the event, which dates back to 1975.

Although it is too late to stage the gala this year, plans are being made to bring it back next summer.

Instead villagers will be treated to a fun day on Saturday.

Since March of this year, the committee has been organising a number of fun village events to raise money to stage the gala next year, including tomorrow's fete on the recreation ground behind St Mary's CE Primary School.

Chris Caldwell, a member of the new committee said: "As a newly-formed committee, and with no experience of organising events, it was acknowledged that it would be unrealistic to undertake such a big project as the gala for this year.

"We hope that many will attend and enjoy the fun day and support the event to ensure that we can make next year's gala as successful as in previous years."

A member of the former committee since 1976 Jan Barnes said: "It had come to a point where we could not go on. But the new committee have really proved themselves and are very enthusiastic. They have worked very hard organising village events and they deserve our best wishes."

The fun day, which will feature children's races, a fell race, bouncy castle, pet show, stalls and refreshments, starts at noon. Entrance is free.