A DRUG addict with a "horrifying" record of more than 70 offences was told he would "end up in a box" if he did not turn his life around.

Burnley Magistrates heard how Keith Banks, 39, was banned from driving and didn't have a licence, yet drove to Carlisle looking for somewhere to live.

The defendant, disqualified until September 2007, got petrol, drove off without paying and escaped when police tried to stop him.

He had earlier gone shoplifting in Burnley Asda, the court was told.

Banks' solicitor told the court if he did not kick his habit he would keep going to jail - but the bench chairman said it would more likely be into a box.

Dr Lesley Ashworth told the defendant it was his health that mattered. She said the community would not put up with his behaviour and Banks had decided he was above the law.

Dr Ashworth added Banks' record was "horrifying," and there was absolutely no excuse for his conduct - but the bench was prepared to give him a chance.

Banks, of Pheasantford Street, Burnley, admitted making off without payment, theft, failing to surrender and two counts each of driving while disqualified and no insurance.

He was given a two-year drugs treatment and testing order, was banned for three years, must pay £66.67 compensation and £25 costs.

Teresa Feeley, prosecuting, told the court Banks, a persistent offender, reversed out of the way when police tried to stop him. When he was finally arrested he admitted his behaviour.

Nick Dearing, defending, said Banks had been in custody several weeks. He had an atrocious record but custody held no fears and did very little to deter him from offending. His drug problem was the sole motivation for his offending and he needed to buckle down and work on his difficulties.