A DRUNKEN lollipop lady said to have slung a bottle at police in an early hours rumpus later admitted drinking about 14 pints, a court was told.

Burnley Magistrates heard that mother-of-two Wendy Simms, 32, told officers she could not be arrested because she had to be at work at 6am.

The defendant, of Charles Street, Nelson, admitted being drunk and disorderly on Broadway, Nelson, and failing to surrender. She was given a 12 months conditional discharge and fined £25.

Bill Maude, prosecuting, said that at 12.20am on August 10, police were near to Nelson police station, when the defendant walked past them holding two empty glass bottles.

She looked directly at an officer and threw a bottle at him. The bottle hit a wall, and glass shattered at the officers' feet.

An officer went over to Simms, took her by the arm and tried to take the other bottle off her. The defendant gripped the bottle quite tightly and told the officer to get off as she was going home.

Mr Maude said the other officer thought Simms was going to swing the bottle at her, took her arm and told her she was going to be arrested.

The defendant said she could not be arrested as she had to be at work at 6am and tried to pull away. Simms said she had drunk about 14 pints.

Glen Smith, defending, said Simms' behaviour had been out of character. She did not aim the bottle at the police officer but was throwing it towards a bin.

Simms' relationship with her partner was very rocky, they had had a significant row and her family circumstances were difficult. As well as her own children, the defendant had temporary care of four others and was in a "nightmare" situation.