THE first steps have been taken towards forming a community group to look after one of Hyndburn's troubled areas.

About 30 Woodnook residents met at Christ Church to talk about plans for the area and more than half put their names down to play a role in the group.

Woodnook, one of the borough's most deprived areas, currently has no group where locals can meet and discuss issues important to them.

The Woodnook Forum exists, helping community leaders meet with representatives from the police, the council and housing association, but nothing for the average member of the public.

The Rev Kevin Logan, vicar of Christ Church, said: "We have got the Woodnook Forum which is still going strong. The forum is supporting the setting up of a new community group for the residents themselves.

"It's important that Woodnookers discuss what Woodnook will be.

"This community association will have delegates to the Woodnook Forum. They will have a lot of power, a lot of influence and they will be listened to."

Mr Logan is hoping that money could one day come Woodnook's way thanks to Government schemes like the Elevate project.

The next step for the group is to meet and pick a chairperson, secretary and treasurer, which will be done in two weeks.

Mr Logan said: "We need this to be together, because we will be stronger. We will be able to give the area a facelift and tackle the problems of a normal, run-down community.

"The biggest problem is loss of hope as the area gets run down, and an association can turn that round by working together as we have done in the past."

Councillor Tony Dobson, Barnfield representative, said: "Whatever form it takes, whether it's a residents' group or whatever, it's going to be important for residents to come together to try and solve some of the problems we face in Woodnook."