THE wholesale destruction of packs of hounds in the event of a hunting ban can be averted, according to a report by the Associate Parliamentary Group for Animal Welfare.

Simultaneously, a new Mori poll, commissioned by the RSPCA, has found that 88 per cent of the public wants to see the dogs given a second chance at life in the event of a ban, through re-training or re-homing them.

The APGAW working group, given the task of investigating the welfare implications for "unemployed" hunting dogs, found that it is preferable to re-train the dogs to drag hunt where an artificial scent is followed rather than live quarry, re-home them as pets, and retain some in packs to live out their natural lives.

They heard evidence from owners who have successfully re-homed hounds in pairs or in homes that already contain dogs, and to adopters who have experience, sensitivity and skill. Furthermore, they concluded that re-homed hounds can stop hunting without a negative effect on their welfare. In the light of this research, we would urge hunts to do the right thing and look to the future welfare of their dogs.


RSPCA regional

manager (north).